A recent report says, Engineering is loosing its popularity in India . Many students choose Medical & Agri related courses over Engg . What may be the reason ?
Anna University recently conducted TNEA 2015 for admissions of students into Engineering courses for U.G Degree programmes & at the end of counselling more than 50k students didn’t even appeared for Counselling, that means the Seat Vacancy is higher than last year.
Number of students passing plus 2 exams increases every year but what remains unchanged & going down is ” Number of students opting for Engineering courses ” .
This is not only happening in Tamilnadu alone but i think is same in other states as well.
Why Engineering is Loosing its Value ?
1. Although there are many reasons for students not taking Engineering degree , the main reason is “ Unemployemnt ” in the state.
Many Plus 2 students who know their brothers / sisters in their family or in friend’s circle or relatives who’ve completed Engineering degree still “ searching for job ” or preparing for govt examinations.
2. So, what student think naturally is, Instead of spending 4 years with lakhs of money for Engineering & remain jobless at the end, let’s take Arts & Science courses like B.Sc computer science, BCA atleast this saves some money for parents.
3. Lack of Engineering Colleges : Although 530+ Engg colleges affiliated to Anna University in Tamilnadu alone .
Not all that can be considered as an Engineering college, what many colleges do is ” Making degree holders ” instead of ” making engineers ” .
4. Skills vs Demand : A student after completing his professional course doesn’t know basics of engineering.
Companies nowadays demand more skills from a person to do a task, in the past a candidate with B.E / B.Tech degree would be eligible to get a job but now the very first question you’ll be asked is ” What’s your strength ” ? what’s your specialization ?
So, during 4 years, a candidate should develop Skills / knowledge in area which he believe is his future.
5. Lack of Govt Initiatives : I’m from Tamilnadu, i would say the state govt hasn’t made any single step to ” Creat Jobs ” for skilled persons.

No new Companies, Closure of Exisiting Companies, No Skills improvement programmes , nothing.
Govt should also instruct Engg Colleges to create engineers instead of students with engg degree.
According to the report, more than 50,000 engineering seats are left unoccupied in the TNEA Counselling.
More than 2.5 lakhs applicants applied for the TNEA – Tamilnadu Engineering Admissions for which the counselling was conducted from June 29th to July 31st, 2015 .
Only 1.7 lakhs appeared for the counselling out of which many opted for Civil , Mechanical engg, ECE & CSE .
Around 20+ colleges seek permission from UGC to close its operation in and around various cities of Tamilnadu .
Due to poor intake & high operation cost, engineering colleges are struggling to keep it alive.
What everyone surprised is that , a course which no one interested a year ago, is now most preferred course for students, which is ” TNAU – Tamilnadu Agricultural University’s B.Sc & B.Tech programmes ” .
Every year 2 lakhs+ engineering students complete degree but there’s no enough companies or jobs to accompany them in their field.
So, what they do is , instead of doing what they’ve dreamed of, all they do is ” any job ” that is available for them.
When asked, why this job ? , ” Doing this is better than Doing nothing “.
What’s your take on this ? Post your comments .
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